Brand or no brand, from classic to contemporary, minimalistic to bold, we’ll tailor the design layout to match your unique style. Find yourself with print confusion? Let us handle the nitty-gritty — specs and setup are our expertise.
How it works
1. Select the number of kinds (names) and check out
2. Receive and complete your briefing form via email
3. We’ll send two layout options^ in 24-48 hours along with recommended print specs
4. Refine and choose your favourite
5. We’ll send some paper samples, foil swatches and colour chips to confirm your choices^
6. Order your cards, and let the printing party begin!
Our business card design offering is for the layout of typography and existing logos or graphics only. Creation of new logos, graphics, or visual elements are not included
We allow two design options and one round of refinements. Further options and extra refinements will attract additional fees.
Each design order includes a complimentary pack of three samples, up to four pre-printed Pantone chips, and our foil swatches (if included with proposed print specifications).
PDF files of final artwork are available upon request.
Print not included.
We offer PDF proofing with all orders
Initial design options are provided within 24-48 hours once briefing form is completed.
In our experience, the entire process can take up to two weeks once time is allowed for briefing, proofing, revision, and paper sampling.
Printing will take additional time.
HHHI Limited
© 2024
What we are pondering
“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”
— Steve Jobs